I can truly say that meeting Rylie was one of the most inspiring, joy-filling, attitude-checking, perspective-shifting, heart-warming, life-giving, permanent-marker-writing-truth-on-my-heart moments I have ever had in my career and in my life. I left that encounter and immediately called my loved ones crying at the grandeur of the most powerful, infinite God encapsulated and on display through the tenderness and bravery of this little child. All I kept saying as tears fell from my eyes, “She marked me! I am forever changed!” Sometimes, you can’t really put your finger on it, but God will show you a picture so unique and breathtaking in design through a human. I feel as though He did that to me through Rylie. I am truly honored to have met such a beautiful young girl, braver than most grown women! I love you, Rylie! I look forward to the next time we meet! Your dance was stunning and met me at my core! Xoxo (Not to mention getting to see your incredible family again!!! All my love!!)